Happening Today: HS Blood Drive
almost 5 years ago, IISD
Happening Today: GJM Bookfair
almost 5 years ago, IISD
Blaschke Sheldon Elementary We are proud of all the hardwork from our BSE 5th Graders! Teachers will be sending home information regarding benchmark scores and next steps soon.
almost 5 years ago, IISD
March 5th
almost 5 years ago, IISD
Ingleside Primary School 11 mins Just a Reminder don't forget to join us tomorrow at 5:30-6:30 for Open House.
almost 5 years ago, IISD
Gilbert J. Mircovich Elementary Reminder that our GJM Family Picnic and Health Fair
almost 5 years ago, IISD
Ingleside Mustang-Athletics Meet Itinerary for the Toast of the Coast meet in Rockport for the HS Boys this Friday
almost 5 years ago, IISD
Blaschke Sheldon Elementary Attention Parents! A one page survey was given to your child today. Please take the time to fill it out and send it back with your student tomorrow! The information will be used for the improvement of Ingleside ISD. Thank you for your input!
almost 5 years ago, IISD
JV Baseball Schedule Change The JV Baseball games originally scheduled for Thursday, March 12th have been moved to Monday, March 9th in Rockport @ 2 & 4 PM. Hunter Hamrick Athletic Director/Head Football Coach Ingleside ISD 2807 Mustang Dr Ingleside, Tx 78362 office 361.238.7277
almost 5 years ago, IISD
Upcoming Events: Band Booster Club Band booster club meeting March 5th, Tomorrow at 6 PM
almost 5 years ago, IISD
Upcoming Events: High School
almost 5 years ago, IISD
Upcoming Events: GJM
almost 5 years ago, IISD
Happening Today: Leon Taylor Jr. High 8th Math Benchmark during Math classes
almost 5 years ago, IISD
Happening Today: Event:GJM Bookfair
almost 5 years ago, IISD
Ingleside Mustang-Athletics Congratulations to Lauren Douglas. She was picked the Texas High School Coaches Association All-State Basketball team as a 2nd teamer. This is Lauren's second academic all-state recognition this year. Great job Lauren!
almost 5 years ago, IISD
Ingleside Mustang-Athletics JV Baseball sweeps AP JV Softball defeats Kenedy 13-0!
almost 5 years ago, IISD
almost 5 years ago, IISD
March 4th
almost 5 years ago, IISD
Leon Taylor Junior High District Calendar 2020-2021
almost 5 years ago, IISD
Gilbert J. Mircovich Elementary Third grade students are enjoying learning more about Padre Island National Seashore! 🐢
almost 5 years ago, IISD