Did you know that washing your hands with soap & water eliminates #Coronavirus molecules preventing the virus from infecting you & others? The same is true when you disinfect surfaces. Science says it works. https://bit.ly/2w7TGAJ #COVID19 #txed #StayWellTexas
Para prevenir la propagación de COVID-19 en nuestra comunidad, practique el distanciamiento social:
• Evite salir en público
• Cuando esté en público, mantenga una distancia de seis pies entre usted y los demás.
• Seguir las recomendaciones de los funcionarios locales y estatales.
Obtenga más información en https://texas.gov/covid19
# covid19 #texasfuerte #quedateencasa
To avoid the spread of COVID-19 in our community, practice social distancing:Avoid going out in public When in public, keep 6 feet of distance between you and others Follow guidance provided by local and state officials.Get more info at https://texas.gov/covid19 #texasstrong
Autism Awareness Month- Be Kind
The Ingleside ISD community must work together to fight COVID-19. Head to http://tea.texas.gov/staywell for vitally important public health guidance to stop the spread. If we stand apart as a community now, we will be together again soon.
Governor Extends Texas School Closures to May 4
The San Patricio County Judge has passed an executive order of a "Stay Home Work Safe Measure" This executive order will begin at Midnight on March 30th.
This order will not affect the delivery of our education and Ingleside ISD will continue offering our Drive by lunches at the Primary school from 11 A.M. till 1 P.M.
Please Stay Home and stay safe so we can get back to normal and keep checking our website and our Facebook page for updates as we will continue to update them
Troy Mircovich, Superintendent, Ingleside ISD
COVID-19 Update - Trouble reading update? Please visit www.inglesideisd.org>News to read or download document.
Dear Ingleside ISD Community,
The district administrative staff has been busy this morning meeting to discuss plans for our students to best prepare for continued instructional services for this week. Updates to future plans will be announced on a week to week basis as determined by the district in accordance with county and local agencies. Please check e-mails, district and campus websites and/or Skyward parent portal regularly.
At this time, all district students beginning tomorrow can receive a free breakfast and lunch delivered daily curbside at the Ingleside Primary School through the bus lane in front of the cafeteria. Students need to be present for pickup. Operating times will be daily (11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.), and menus are available on the district website under “News” from the Food Service Department. The technology department has added a Wi-Fi hotspot for district Chromebooks available in the parking lot of IPS if needed.
Please remain alert for updates from individual campuses for the instructional delivery plans as they will vary from elementary campuses to high school. News came this morning from Governor Abbott regarding his decision to waive all STAAR and EOC testing for this school year. UIL has restricted all competitions and practices through March 29, 2020.
The District website has linked a Google Form for expressing any questions or concerns from students, parents, or community members regarding the COVID-19. As a district, we are trying to maintain the recommended social distancing, so please communicate through this method. All campuses will be closed. We will make every effort to post answers and/or return calls or e-mails efficiently.
Please continue to monitor all social media and campus/district websites that will be updated as new information becomes available.
Troy Mircovich
Superintendent, Ingleside ISD
March 13, 2020
Ingleside ISD has been closely following the media reports and information shared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Texas Department of Health Services, Texas Education Agency, and local entities about the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Out of precaution for the ongoing concern with coronavirus (COVID-19), Ingleside ISD will be extending Spring Break through March 16-20 for our students as we assess the situation in our community. This decision was not made lightly, and we understand the change may cause an inconvenience for some families.
ALL central office personnel, administrators (including directors and assistant principals), maintenance and custodial staff are required to report to work Monday, March 16, as normal.
ALL teachers and instructional staff are asked to remain in the local area and anticipate further direction from supervisors.
While our students and staff have been off for spring break this past week, our maintenance and custodial staff have been conducting intensive cleaning of the schools. This is our common practice during breaks from school, but they have definitely enhanced this cleaning during this particular spring break.
Ingleside ISD is asking for any students or staff who traveled to China, Iran, specific European countries (see list), or South Korea over Spring Break (or any additional countries added to the CDC Level 3 list) to follow CDC guidance and stay home for 14 days after you return from your travel. Ingleside ISD continues to monitor the CDC’s List.
Updates will be emailed to parents and guardians via the email address listed on file in Skyward Family Access. Individuals may update their email address by logging into Skyward. Updates will also be provided at www.inglesideisd.org or through its Facebook page.
Ingleside ISD leadership and the Board of Trustees will continue to remain in constant communication with state and local health officials and the Texas Education Agency. The District would like to thank our parents, staff, and community members for their patience and understanding during this time. Please continue to care for yourself, family, and those around you and adhere to the preventative measures as recommended by public health officials, such as limiting interaction and practicing social distancing.
According to the Texas Department of State Health Services, there are simple steps everyone can take to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses like COVID-19:
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
• Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
• Stay home when you are sick.
• Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Troy Mircovich, Superintendent
Ingleside ISD
Ingleside, Texas 78362 · P.O. Box 640· 2664 San Angelo · Phone (361) 776-7631 · Fax (361) 776-0267
Don't forget to Spring Forward. Set your clock up one hour Saturday Night.
Spring Break Next Week
Happening Tomorrow:
HS JV Mustangs @ GP Tournament
Leon Taylor Junior High
Spring Break Writing Roulette. They each have a story starter and will then pass the story to a different student.
Blaschke Sheldon Elementary
For the last day before spring break, students in Ms. Shugart's 6th grade social studies class completed a webquest over South Asia. They learned about religions, animals and geography!
Ingleside Mustang-Athletics
Congratulations to @IsideMustangs , Leandra Moreno. 5th place - 850 lbs. total (+45 PR & 9 for 9). Going to Waco! #STATE
Ingleside Mustang-Athletics
Leandra came into the regional meet in 9th. Leaves the regional meet with a 5th place finish!
Ingleside Mustang-Athletics
Varsity Girls Discus:
Hannah Bearden - 2nd place (111')
Vaneesa Hernandez - 3rd place (106' 4.5")
Briana Montgomery - 6th place (98')
Varsity Girls 4x100 Relay - 3rd place
Leon Taylor Junior High
Nathaniel Farmer - Pi Day creativity on his cakes!
Leon Taylor Junior High
Deeandra Vera 1600m run