Ingleside Primary School
Students in Mrs. Burris's class painting to classical music.
August 26
Ingleside, Texas VFW
Ingleside Police Department
For our parents out there who have children with cell phones/laptops, etc.——here are 15 apps that you should look for on their devices. Keep your children safe—be a nosey parent!!!!!!!!! Thank you!
Ingleside Mustang-Athletics
Mustang Proud!
ngleside Mustang-Athletics
Leon Taylor Junior High
Coach Delgado and Mrs. Jenkins’ Math Class
Blaschke Sheldon Elementary
Ms. Cook's class participated in team building yesterday. We are helping to build those relationships so we can support each other in the new school year
Blaschke Sheldon Elementary
Mrs. Rodriguez's class learning how to use safety science tools!
Always remember Mustangs.....
August 23
BSE Parent Involvment Meeting Thu, Aug 22, 9:00 am or 5:30 pm
Ingleside Parks and Recreation posted a job.
Ingleside Parks and Recreation
See you Saturday night as we end our Movie in the Park Series. We will be giving away free concession to celebrate back to school.
Movie in the Park- How to Train a Dragon 3
Ingleside, Texas VFW Post 6386
Ingleside Mustang-Athletics
Ingleside Mustang-Athletics
Hats and Visors are in! They will be available at the scrimmage Thursday! $18 each
Leon Taylor Junior High
If your child is needing extra assistance I have attached our campus tutorial times. Students may also go in to complete assignments or if they are needing the use of internet for assignments.
Leon Taylor Junior High