Ingleside, Texas VFW Post 6386
Ingleside Fire Dept
IFR PINK Tournament | October 12th | Proceeds go to a local nonprofit organization dedicated to Breast Cancer Awareness, Detection, Education and Community Outreach | Contact Miguel at 361-534-9297 for more information.
Ingleside HS Cheer
InglesideISD Ingleside Mustang-Athletics Ingleside High School
Ingleside Mustang-Athletics
The Ingleside cross country teams had a great meet Saturday at the Miller Invitational at West Guth Park in Corpus Ch
Ingleside Mustang-Athletics
Ingleside High School
Homecoming Week! Make sure you are still in dress code, but let’s have some fun!
Ingleside High School
The library pumpkin decorating contest includes high school this year!
Leon Taylor Junior High
Our 📣 cheerleaders, 🏐 volleyball teams, and 🏈 teams will be in the parade.
Leon Taylor Junior High
JH students it is time to get creative. The library is hosting a contest...
Blaschke Sheldon Elementary
BSE celebrated a successful 1st 6 weeks with our first College Rally of the year and our special guest speaker, Mr. Mircovich.
Gilbert J. Mircovich Elementary
GJM Library Book Character Pumpkin Contest is coming soon!
Ingleside Primary School
Can't wait to see all of the amazing pumpkins come in!
October 7
JH Volleyball Update
I am sorry for the confusion but the junior high volleyball games are back to regular schedule. Orange Grove has found a bus driver to get them here by 4:30 pm.
Games will be played in the JH gym starting at 4:30 pm.
Game order: 7B, 8B, 7A, 8A
K. Sheffield
JH Volleyball Game Change
Ingleside Parks and Recreation
Ingleside Parks and Recreation
Ingleside Primary School
Ingleside Mustangs
Mustangs @ Zapata 7:30 pm
Fri, Oct 4