DATE: March 31, 2020
FROM: Troy Mircovich, Superintendent
TO: Students, Parents and Staff of Ingleside ISD
SUBJ: School Closure until May 4th, 2020 for Ingleside ISD
Governor Extends Texas School Closures to May 4 Gov. Greg Abbott held a press conference on the state's continued response to COVID-19 today. Joined by Commissioner of Education Mike Morath, the governor extended the temporary closure of Texas schools until May 4, unless otherwise extended. He also issued an executive order implementing essential services and activities protocol for the entire state. The protocol directs all Texans to minimize non-essential gatherings and in-person contact with people who are not in the same household. The governor’s executive order renews and amends his previous order that enforced federal social distancing guidelines for COVID-19, including closing schools.
Ingleside ISD will continue to offer remote learning and educational services for all students from every campus as we have been doing for the past two weeks. Our teachers and students are doing a great job of continuing education under unusual circumstances.
Breakfast and lunch will still be provided from 11: 00 A.M- 1:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. Below are new guidelines from the Texas Agriculture Department.
Texas Department of Agriculture Releases Instructions for Schools Providing Meals to Parents Without Child Present. Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller and the Food and Nutrition Division at the Texas Department of Agriculture have released important instructions to schools providing meals for children to parents without children present, as outlined in a recent waiver approved by USDA. Schools are now authorized to provide meals to parents for their child – even when the child is not present – provided they have one of the following forms of documentation at the point of meal service:
Official letter/email from school that shows children as enrolled
Individual student report cards
Attendance record from parent portal of school website
Birth certificate for children not in school
Student ID cards
Each school district is now authorized to provide the meals, but may have different implementation dates and additional federal requirements for their school area. For more information on the TDA response to COVID-19, please visit the TDA COVID-19 Response website.
If you have any questions or concerns for individual campuses and/or district please go to our website at and click on the red Covid-19 link, and we will answer your question as soon as possible.
Stay Safe, Apart, and Strong!
Thank you,
Troy Mircovich
Superintendent, Ingleside ISD